When to See a Doctor For a Sore Throat

A pain or discomfort in the throat is one of the most common ailments among children and adults. Sore throats accounted for more than 13 million visits to the doctor in 2018. Most sore throats are caused by viruses, some by infections and environmental factors. Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, in many cases it will go away on its own. But it can also be indicative of more severe conditions requiring medical treatment.

There are three types of sore throats:

  • Pharyngitis. Pain in the area towards the back of the mouth.
  • Tonsillitis. A swelling of the tonsils, soft tissue in the back of the mouth.
  • Laryngitis. A swelling of the larynx or voice box.

What Causes a Sour Throat?

Causes of sore throats may include infections and injuries. Here are eight of the most common sore throat causes.

  1. Colds, influenza, and other viral infections
    Viruses cause about 90 percent of sore throats and are symptoms of such conditions as the common cold, influenza, mononucleosis, measles, chicken pox, and mumps.
  2. Strep throat and bacterial infections
    The most common bacterial infection is strep throat, an infection of the throat and tonsils caused by group A Streptococcus pyogenes. Forty percent of sore throats in children are caused by strep throat.
  3. Allergies
    The immune system reacts to allergy triggers like pollen, grass, and pet dander, and releases chemicals that cause symptoms like nasal congestion, watery eyes, sneezing, and throat irritation.
  4. Dry air
    Dry air can affect moisture in the mouth and throat, and leave them feeling dry and scratchy.
  5. Smoke, chemicals, and other irritants
    Many different chemicals and other substances in the environment irritate the throat, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, cleaning products and other chemicals
  6. Injury
    Any injury, such as a hit or cut to the neck, can cause pain in the throat. Getting a piece of food stuck in your throat can also irritate it. You can get a sore throat after yelling, talking loudly, or singing for a long period of time.
  7. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
    GERD is a condition in which acid from the stomach reverses back into the esophagus and reaches the throat. The acid burns the esophagus and throat, causing symptoms like heartburn, acid reflux and chronic throat pain.
  8. Tumor
    A tumor of the throat, voice box, or tongue is a less common, but more serious, cause of a sore throat.

Concierge Care Services When a Patient Has a Sore Throat

When you visit Weisz Concierge Medical with a sore throat complaint, Dr. Weisz will conduct a thorough physical exam, looking for signs and symptoms of strep throat. One of the following two tests may be ordered:

  • Rapid antigen test. A nurse or doctor takes a swab from your throat. This test can detect Streptococcus in minutes by looking for substances (antigens) in the throat. If the test is negative but Dr. Weisz still suspects strep, she might conduct a throat culture.
  • Throat culture. A doctor rubs a sterile scrub over the back of the throat and tonsils to get a sample of the secretions. The sample is sent to lab to grow a culture which takes from a few days up to a week.

Strep Throat

If you are diagnosed with strep throat, Dr. Weisz will likely prescribe an oral antibiotic. If taken within 48 hours of the onset of the illness, antibiotics reduce the duration and severity of symptoms, as well as the risk of complications and the likelihood that infection will spread to others.

With treatment, you should start feeling better in a few days. Should symptoms persist past 48 hours, you need to be seen by your doctor immediately. As a Weisz Concierge Medical member you will be seen quickly, and begin treatment as soon as possible. 

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